It is built a FishGLOBE V2 of 10 m3, where testing showed that the globe worked as planned. The testing, which was documented on film, was presented to farmers, and led to a close collaboration on testing and co-financing together with a farmer of the construction of V3 of 70 m3. The aim of the construction and testing of this is to learn before building a FishGLOBE in full scale - V5, at approximately 3500 m3.
Testing of FishGLOBE V3 (70 m3) on technical functionality.
Drawing/designing of FishGLOBE V5 (3500 m3).
Calculation of stability and strength (waves and currents).
Testing of FishGLOBE V3 with fish with our own R & D license.
Start building FishGLOBE V5 (3500 m3)
Testing FishGLOBE V5 on technical functionality and then treating fish against AGD and lice.
Testing FishGLOBE V5 with post smolt production in our own R & D license.
First delivery of FishGLOBE V5 to customer