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HSE, Quality and Risk


Management will ensure that quality policies and quality measures are established and aligned with the Company`s context and strategic direction. Management will promote the importance of quality management and secure availability of resources required to have an optimal functioning quality system. Management has a continuous focus on improvement and ensures a risk-based approach to process to accomplish the Company`s goals.


The Company operates according to ISO 9001:2015 and is considering implementing ISO14001:2015. All “globes” are certified according to NS – 9415 (Norwegian Standard 9415 for marine fish farms. Requirements for design, dimensioning, production, installation and operation). “ISO 31000 Risk management – Guidelines” is used to develop a strategy for risk management, with the purpose of identifying and mitigating risk to improve protection of installation and values and increase probability of delivering on the business strategy.  



Quality policy


  • We perform our assigned missions according to the customers demand and condition

  • We deliver the products our customers want

  • We work according to relevant standards

  • We must as a minimum follow requirements in NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 and NS-9415:2009

  • We must follow «ISO 31000 Risk management – Guidelines»

  • We must learn from our mistakes

  • We must document quality of our work



HSE policy


  • Our overall goal is zero harm

  • We must create trust with our customers, and safety and wellbeing with our employees

  • We must follow rules, regulations and ethical guidelines

  • HSE is the most important internal field of work

  • No operation has priority above safety

  • HSE is a line responsibility across the entire organization

  • Everyone is responsible for their own and others safety



 Ethical guidelines


  • International human rights law must be followed at any time

  • Discrimination due to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity/nationality, age, religion, disability or political belief must not occur

  • All employee has the freedom of association and protection of the right to organize

  • We must at any time follow labor legislations and other relevant laws and regulations

  • We must execute our business in such a way that it has the least possible environmental consequences

  • We must ensure that at children are never used for labor, neither by our company nor by our contractors

  • We must ensure that we do not give, receive or solicit any improper payments or anything of value in return for favorable business terms from private persons or companies


NY Besøksadresse: Vassbotnen 1, 4313 Sandnes

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