
FishGLOBE 3.5K
Size: 3500 cbm
Capacity: 75 kg/cbm
Diameter/height: 22m/19m
70-80 kW Power consume
Onshore power supply
50 kg/h O2 consume
Wave 3,0m Hs - 6.08s periode
In full operation- Great results

Size 10 000 cbm
Capacity 75 kg/cbm
Diameter/height: 32m/24m
110-130 kW Power consume
Onshore power supply
150 kg/h O2 consume
Wave: 3,0m Hs - 6.08s periode
Design done - Ready for construction

Size: 30 000 cbm
Capacity: 75 kg/cbm
Diameter/height: 44m/30m
300-400 kW Power consume
Onshore power supply
400-500 kg/h O2 consume
Wave: 3,0m Hs - 5.65s periode
Facts about FishGLOBE
Sea lice
With sea inlet below the sea lice belt- We eliminate the intake of sea lice, if we get it into the cage our large water circulation eliminates condition for sea lice re-production.
One of our industry biggest challenges is the treatment of sea lice- Under operation we still have had any cost of sea lice treatment
FishGLOBE is build in a solid material Polyethylene (HDPE) profiles leaving us with double barrier for escaping
Sludge control
FishGLOBE has developed a system for collection all of the sludge from the production leaving a minimum footprint to the environment
Premier fish welfare
Our water circulation leaving the cage with a complete water change out of 3x water volume pr. hour leaving us with a controlled environment for fish welfare - Proved by healthy fish and low mortality.
Increased growth
With excellent control on the particles the operator can see all the feed returning back - This gives us the possibility of precision feeding on a whole new level compared with similar technology
The high circulation gives us low CO2 levels and stabile O2 level over 90% - We've proved this in operation with higher than 70 kg/cmb . ​​